
Beyond Beauty

Beyond Beauty: The psychology of Pretty Privilege and its revolutionary redefinition.

Have you ever thought about beauty as a form of currency? Or heard someone weaponise the term pretty privilege?

Where did this double-edged sword come from, why does it both fascinate and frustrate and how are we as a brand reshaping its narrative?

Before we begin, let's get the semantics out of the way. Society typically perceives pretty privilege as an unspoken advantage awarded to conventionally attractive people. Think celebrities, influencers and media personalities. Generally, anyone that's pleasant to look at and seems to have it all (we're looking at you, Alix Earle).

Now, as an onlooker, it's easy to perceive this as negative or exclusive. But, that's where Pretty Privilege Club comes in. We're rewriting the rules of play and flipping the script on our connotated name.

The Beginning of Pretty Privilege

Let's flash back to the late 1990s when the term pretty privilege rose to fame within social psychology circles. At this time, studies into facial symmetry were popping up like boutique fashion labels do now. Everyone was obsessed with the idea that the more symmetrical your face, the greater your level of perceived attractiveness.

Now, why is this important?

You may have picked up on the repetition of the term "perceived". This isn't an accident. Having control over how we perceive the world is one of the traits that makes us human.

It's also important to note that, as humans, we are naturally drawn to aesthetically pleasing features. And that this subconscious bias influences our perceptions and behaviour more than we realise.

It's this bias that leads us to think that attractive people are inherently better. Better at socialising, better intellectually, and generally just better at life.

It's also why some people get a raise before their equally qualified co-worker and why others, despite having a fairly lacklustre personality are the most magnetic.

Instead of celebrating beauty as a diverse spectrum, society has weaponised it, creating unrealistic standards that, unfortunately, marginalise those who don't fit in.

Now – to us, at least – something seems amiss here. What happens to the people who don't fit society's conventional mould of attractiveness? Why do they miss out on opportunities?

How can we reshape our perceptions of pretty privilege so it includes everyone?

The Redefinition of Pretty Privilege

At this point, you're probably wondering, "Okay, so why did you call your brand Pretty Privilege, then?"

That's the thing (and our point). We're more than a brand. We're a movement aimed at reclaiming and redefining the concept of Pretty Privilege. Rather than perpetuating exclusivity, we embody inclusivity. And why elevating your lifestyle is not just possible, but accessible.

Essentially, we're putting the power in your hands. You get to choose how you're perceived and you get to determine your privileges. By subscribing to the Pretty Privilege Club, you're joining a community where diversity is celebrated and worth equates to traits far more meaningful than facial symmetry. Where every privilege is extended to you.