Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy or Policy) outlines how your information is collected, used anddisclosed when you access or use our Services as defined in our Terms. This information is collected,used and disclosed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). This Privacy Policy isincorporated by reference into our Terms. Any capitalised terms not defined in this Policy are defined inthe Terms. You agree to comply with all Terms when accessing or using our Services, including thisPrivacy Policy. Our online store is powered by Pay Pal and Stripe. Each of the Pay Pal Privacy Policy andStripe Privacy Policy applies in relation to any Personal Information collected, stored and processed onPay Pal and Stripe servers. We may also use this Personal Information for the purposes as set out in thisPolicy and in accordance with the terms set out in this Policy.

2. What information do we collect and how is it collected?

We collect Personal Information, as defined in the Privacy Act (including Sensitive Information as definedin the Privacy Act), when you access or use our Services.

2.1. Personal Information provided by you

We collect information that you provide to us via use of our Services as well as through any other meansused to contact us. The kinds of Personal Information we collect include your contact information such asyour name, email address, age address and phone or mobile number. We reserve the right to maintain,store and use any information or data where we reasonably believe that such action is required to complywith any legal or regulatory obligations, to prevent criminal or other unlawful activity whether immediate orin the future, or where we have a legitimate business reason to do so, including collection of amountsowed, resolving disputes, enforcing our Terms or for record keeping integrity.

2.2. Automatically collected Personal Information

We automatically record information from your device and its software when you access our Services,including your IP address, browser and device type, internet service provider, mobile phone carrier,platform type, the website from which you came and the website to which you are going when you leaveour Services, date and time stamp and cookies that may uniquely identify your browser or account. Whenaccessing our Services using a mobile device, we may also receive and collect identification numbersassociated with your device, mobile carrier, device type and manufacturer, and, if enabled, geographicallocation data (including GPS). Please note that some of the information we collect, for example an IPaddress, can sometimes be used to approximate a device's location.

2.3. Personal Information collected via cookies

Our Services may use small pieces of data called cookies to identify a user who engages with ourServices and to compile records of a user’s history of engaging with our Services. Cookies are stored bya users’ browser while the user browses a website. Cookies do not usually contain information thatpersonally identifies a person, but each time the user visits the website, the browser sends the cookiedata back to the server to notify the system of the user's previous activity. If you wish to disable cookies,you may do so through your browser settings, however please be aware that if you choose to do this,some functionality of our Website will not be available to you. The Pay Pal and Stripe platforms aregoverned by their own Cookie Policy. We bear no responsibility for how Pay Pal or Stripe uses your data for cookies. If you are concerned with any use and storage of your data for cookies by Pay Pal or Stripe,please contact the platform directly.

2.4. Personal Information collected via Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, which allows us to anonymously track the use of our Services by recording thenumber of users who have visited, the number of pages viewed, navigation patterns, what systems usershave and the date and time of visits through cookies. This information is collected for statistical purposesonly and cannot be used to identify you. We may use a range of services and functions offered by GoogleAnalytics. We also use Google Analytics to partner with third parties and advertise online. Our third-partypartner may use technologies such as cookies and third party Tracking Technologies to gatherinformation about your activities on our website and other sites in order to provide you advertising basedon your browsing activities and interests. Please see this link for how your data is collected and this linkfor instructions on how to opt-out of any Google Analytics data tracking.

2.5. Third Party Payment Processor

We use third party payment processors and gateways to process payments made to us in the provision ofour Services. All Personal Information, including any financial information such as credit card numbers, iscollected and used directly by our third party payment processors and gateways as set out on ourwebsite, whose use of your personal information is governed by their own terms and conditions andprivacy policy. We do not store or retain any sensitive financial/billing information (being credit cardnumbers, bank account details, etc.), obtained in connection with processing such payments.

2.6. Anonymity And The Use Of Pseudonyms

When we collect your Personal Information, as far as reasonably practicable, you are permitted to interactand/or contact us anonymously or by using a pseudonym except where:
(a) we are required or authorised by a law or a court or tribunal order to deal with identified individuals; or
(b) it is impracticable for us to deal with individuals who have not identified themselves.

3. For what purposes do we collect and use Personal Information?

We collect your Personal Information as outlined in this Privacy Policy for the purposes described below:
(c) for provision of the Services;
(d) for communication with and to provide messaging and/ or communications to you association with thefunctions and features of the Services;
(e) for communicating to you any announcements and updates,updated terms, conditions and policies,security alerts, technical notices, support and administrative messages;
(f) for analysis, monitoring, development and improvement of our Services, including other products orservices;
(g) for security purposes, including to protect the Services and our property from abuse, fraud, malicious,unauthorised access or potentially illegal activities, and to protect our rights, safety and property and that of our other users;
(h) for sending marketing communications to you, including notifying you of promotional or advertisingoffers, contests and rewards, upcoming events and other news about products and services offered by usand use of our Services;
(i) to comply with relevant laws and regulations where applicable; and
(j) for the performance of other functions described at the time of collection or as consented to in relation to our services.

4.How do we store and protect your information?
4.1. Storage of Personal Information

We take reasonable steps to protect your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.The Personal Information we collect from you is transferred and stored electronically via a secured SSLconnection, in secured Pay Pal or Stripe servers, subject to change as required by Pay Pal or Stripe (ofsuch information is held on the Pay Pal or Stripe system) or in password-protected servers locatedworldwide, including in locations such as Australia. You agree and consent to us storing your PersonalInformation on such servers.

4.2. Who can access your Personal Information?

Your Personal Information is accessible to our employees, contractors and our third-party serviceproviders such as our website host and technical support providers. We may also store your PersonalInformation in password-protected email databases for the purpose of sending out communications andmarketing emails in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please note that no method of electronictransmission or storage is one hundred percent secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security ofyour Personal Information. Transmission of Personal Information over the Internet is at your own risk andyou should only enter, or instruct the entering of, Personal Information to the Services within a secureenvironment. It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep your Personal Information safe, includingkeeping your software up to date to prevent security breaches. We reserve the right to maintain and storeany information or data where, we reasonably believe, in our sole discretion, that such action is requiredto comply with any legal or regulatory obligations, to prevent criminal or other unlawful activity whetherimmediate or in the future, or where we have a legitimate business reason to do so, including collection ofamounts owed, resolving disputes, enforcing our Terms or for record keeping integrity. We destroy orde-identify your Personal Information after 2 years where it is no longer needed for the purposes outlinedin this Policy. However, we may also be required to keep some of your personal information for specifiedperiods of time, for example under certain laws relating to corporations, money laundering, and financialreporting legislation.

5. To whom your Personal Information is disclosed?

Your Personal Information may be disclosed to individuals and companies, for the purposes described inthis Policy, as outlined below:

5.1. Pretty Privilege Pty Ltd and Related Bodies Corporate

Your Personal Information may be accessed by us, including our directors, employees, officers andcontractors. You consent to us providing your Personal Information, including Sensitive Information to ourRelated Bodies Corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)).

5.2. Parties required by law

Your Personal Information may be disclosed by us to any party to whom we are required by law to provideyour Personal Information and to any party to whom disclosure is permitted under the Australian PrivacyPrinciples, or where we reasonably believe that disclosure is required to comply with any court orders,subpoenas, or other legal process or investigation including by tax authorities, if such disclosure isrequired by law. Where possible and appropriate, we will notify you if we are required by law to discloseyour Personal Information.

5.3. Direct marketing

You agree and expressly and indefinitely consent to us using or disclosing Personal Information (otherthan Sensitive Information) to keep you informed about our products and services and other products andservices that we consider may be of interest to you. For this purpose, disclosure may be made to ourthird-party service providers. We may communicate with you via phone, email, social media, SMS, orregular mail. If you have indicated a preference for a method of communication, we will endeavour to usethat method wherever practical to do so. You can opt-out of direct marketing communication activitiesundertaken by us at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link on email communications fromus, replying ‘Stop’ to a promotional SMS or by contacting us by phone or email.

5.4. Other Third Parties

We may share your Personal Information with third parties if it is reasonably related to the provision ofour Services. The third parties that we may share your Personal Information with include consultants,contractors, credit agencies, debt collection agencies and other service providers to us that performservices on our behalf. Such services we procure may include identifying and disseminatingadvertisements, enforcement of our Terms, providing fraud detection and prevention services, processingpayments or providing analytics services. We may also share your Personal Information with our businesspartners who offer goods or services to you jointly with us (for example, contests or promotions). We mayshare your Personal Information where we have reason to believe that doing so is necessary to identify,contact or bring legal action against anyone damaging, injuring, or interfering (intentionally orunintentionally) with our rights or property, users, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities.We may also share your Personal Information with third parties with your consent in a separateagreement, in connection with any company transaction (such as a merger, sale of assets or shares,reorganisation, financing, change of control or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by anothercompany or third party) or in the event of bankruptcy, dissolution, divestiture or any related or similarproceedings.Note that we reserve the right to share your Personal Information with other third parties where, in oursole discretion, it is required to:
(a) investigate and defend ourselves against any third party claims or allegations;
(b) protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of us, our users or the public as required orpermitted by law; and
(c) detect, prevent or otherwise address criminal (including fraud or stalking), security or technical issues.

5.5. Overseas Disclosure

Please note that some of the parties listed above to whom your Personal Information may be disclosed,may be located overseas. We use reasonable steps to ensure that these parties are either governed bysubstantially similar, accessible and enforceable laws to the Australian Privacy Principles or adhere to theAustralian Privacy Principles, however to the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not liable for theprivacy practices of such parties. Please note that the transfer of your Personal Information to suchoverseas parties may pose risks to the security of your Personal Information as these countries may nothave been issued with an adequacy decision as set out in the GDPR (if applicable) or have appropriatesafeguards in place, however by providing your Personal Information to us, you acknowledge andconsent to disclosure of Personal Information to such overseas recipients.

6. Third party websites and social media

Our Services may, from time to time, contain links to and from websites which are owned or operated byother parties. You acknowledge and agree that we have no control over, and shall not be liable for, theprivacy practices or content of these third party websites and we do not make any representation aboutthe privacy practices of any third-party websites, whether or not linked from or transferred from ourServices. You are responsible for checking the privacy policy of any such websites and applications sothat you can be informed of how they will handle Personal Information. We run pages on a number ofsocial media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Google Plus (Social MediaPlatforms). By accessing, interacting with and using our social media pages, you agree to the terms andprivacy policy of those Social Media Platforms. You acknowledge and agree that these Social MediaPlatforms may collect your information and that the privacy practices of those Social Media Platforms arenot controlled by us and that we hold no responsibility for such privacy practices. Social Media Platformsalso allow public access to your public social media profile, which may include your username, age range,country/language, list of friends or other information that you make publicly available and you understandthat such information may therefore be accessible by us if you interact with its social media pages.We may from time to time have access to statistics regarding the number of views, navigation patterns,posts that you like, comment on or share and any user interactions with our social media pages and mayuse such information for the purpose of its marketing and promotion strategies.

7. How can you access or update your Personal Information?

At any time, you may request access to Personal Information we hold about you. We may refuse toprovide access if the law allows us to do so, in which case we will provide reasons for our decision asrequired by law. We take reasonable steps to keep your Personal Information accurate, complete andup-to-date. If, at any time, you discover that information held about you is incorrect, you may contact us tohave the information deleted or corrected. You may request access to the information we hold about you,or request that we delete, update or correct any Personal Information we hold about you, by setting outyour request in writing and sending it to us in accordance with paragraph 10. We will process yourrequest as soon as reasonably practicable, provided we are not otherwise prevented from doing so onlegal grounds. If we are unable to meet your request, we will let you know why.

8. How can you make a complaint about our privacy practices?

You may submit a written complaint about how we handle your Personal Information to our Privacy Officervia the details below. If you are not satisfied with our handling of your complaint or we have not replied toyou within a reasonable period of time, then you are entitled to make a complaint to the Office of theAustralian Information Commissioner or, if you are in the EU, a data protection authority or supervisoryauthority.

9. Amendments

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy from time to time as we see fit. While we endeavour tonotify you as soon as reasonably possible of any changes to our Policies by email or by a notice on ourServices, it is your responsibility to keep up to date with any changes or amendments by checking thispage prior to using our Services. This page contains our most accurate and up to date version of our Privacy Policy.

10. Contact us

All requests for access or corrections to your Personal Information and complaints should be directed toour Privacy Officer. If submitting a complaint, please provide our Privacy Officer with full details of yourcomplaint and any supporting documentation:
(a) by contact form at
(b) by e-mail at, or
(c) bylettertoThe Privacy Officer, c/o GladwinLegal,Suite10, Level 19, 644 ChapelStreet,VIC3141.
If you are not satisfied with our handling of your complaint or we have not replied to you within areasonable period of time, then you are entitled to make a complaint to the Office of the AustralianInformation Commissioner.

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